1504 Sansom Street
Philadelphia, PA
(215) 568-5000
Monday thru Thursday 11 AM to 10 PM
Friday and Saturday 11AM to 11 PM
Sunday 11 AM to 6 PM

Yugoslavian home cooking. Couldn't be any fresher or more authentic if you were in Yugoslavian.
Jovan's is a family operation. Jovan and his wife run the kitchen - he butchers and cooks, she cooks too. Their son, Joe, runs the dining room and along with his gymnastic two year old (estimate) son, Vito, provides the floor show. Grand finale - Vito balances on Jovan's palm and thrusts up his arms in an Olympian salute to the gods. The family doesn't end there. This is the only restaurant where I've ever got up and started for the door without even thinking about a check. It was more like I had stopped in to visit the family next door.
But a restaurant it is and pay I did. Gladly. Every thing is picked up fresh from the butcher, baker, produce stand and fishmonger every morning. Everything is cooked to order. Order schnitzel - Jovan starts off slicing the pork.
The two soups on their menu make me with the temperature outside wasn't in the 90s. Chicken Noodle by mom and Dad's been soup which starts off with smoked pork ribs.
Entree's - highlight so far has been the stuffed cabbage cooked in a sauerkraut like brine rather than tomato sauce. Also schnitzel stuffed with ham and cheese. Next on the list, their goulash, served over spaghetti.
July '08