2335 Main Road
Tiverton, RI 02878
(401) 624-3100
11:30 AM to 8:00 PM

Part of the skill in doing a site like this is conniving a friend to order something I have absolutely no desire to taste just so I can get a picture. of it - something like a chow mein sandwich. A long time Fall River MA delicacy, it is vegetable chow mein in brown gravy with noodles on a hamburger bun. Evelyn's Drive In is one of the places that still serves it.
Evelyn's fried clams were disappointing. Lots of sand and shell and rubbery. Maybe I was too late in the season. The clam cakes were great. The crab melt looked good, too.
Evelyn's setting is as New England as it gets. Along with the inside dining room, there is a large deck verlooking Nannaquaket Pond. Lots of sand, and a dock for those arriving by boat.
September 2008